The Company has three hatcheries located throughout Pakistan. Poultry incubation systems have been imported from USA (Chick Master International) and efficiently installed in these hatcheries.
The hatcheries are managed with up to date facilities including modern air conditioning, humidification and fresh air supply systems for the proper incubation of eggs. The eggs in the hatcheries are graded by using the MOBA system grading machines, It is a weighing machine, calibrated in five gram steps. There are four compartments each calibrated to a weight range – 40-45 grams; 45-50 grams; 50-55 grams; 55-60 grams and 60-65 grams. Eggs weighing more than the respective weight range pass through the slot and are graded. This ensures uniform hatch and ulitimate the production of uniform chicks and broilers. We have more than 57 chick master multicage machines installed.It produces on an average of 4 million chicks per month.